Saturday, August 10, 2013

Here We Go

So, I'm in my final days of summer 2013, and I've been trying to make more gluten free things for my gluten limited son to eat. Most of these recipes will also be on my Food Pusher blog too, but I have so many recipes on that blog that are gluten free mixed in with my regular baking that I want a blog that has recipes for people who need to make strictly gluten-free foods. My husband asked why I couldn't just make a gluten free page on Food Pusher, but I want to be able to organize the gf recipes into categories, like Bread, Main Dish, Snacks, etc. A page on the other blog won't allow me to do that. At least I'm not aware of how to make that happen, so here we go with a new blog.
Now, casein free goes along with gluten free for many people avoiding gluten. I will try to ID recipes that are both casein and gluten free, but this blog will still have a lot of butter, cream, and milk in the recipes. Hopefully those of you needing casein free or dairy free have substitutes.
If you are interested in the story behind why we are gluten limited around my house, feel free to send me an email and I'll be glad to tell you. But because this blog is so public, I'd rather not go into personal details on my family out of respect for them. I'm glad to tell the story, but just not in a public forum.
You may notice that most of my gf baking recipes call for Better Batter Gluten Free All Purpose Flour. I do not work for Better Batter, nor am I sponsored by them. It's just the best gf flour I've come across so far for most of my gf flour needs. I do use a couple of Bob's Red Mill products too. Unfortunately, as I'm sure most bakers in my situation have discovered, in gluten free baking, each recipe really requires the flour do behave in certain ways. I try to comment on texture and flavor in my posts, so you know what you're getting into as you go into a recipe. Taste and texture are a bit subjective, though, so my suggestion is, that if you're starting out in the gluten free baking and cooking adventure, go ahead and spend the extra money on smaller portions of flour to get a feel for what you like and what works for you. I still have a huge bag of some gf flour that I didn't like at all rotting in my cupboard. I should probably go and toss it after I finish starting this blog.
At any rate, those are my thoughts, and I will continue to add to them as the thoughts occur to me.

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